Frequently Asked Questions about the 2024 Iowa Podcast Awards
We announced the 2024 Iowa Podcast Awards a week ago and the response has been incredible! We’ve already received dozens of award submissions from podcasters and shows we didn’t even know of. That’s the most exciting part about this project - finding those people who are making great things, highlighting them, and bringing them together.
As with any new project like the Iowa Podcast Awards, we’ve received some questions about how the whole thing works, so we thought we’d quickly tackle a few of them below:
Why can’t I submit my show for the Podcast of the Year or People’s Choice Awards?
That’s because EVERY show that is officially nominated for ANY award is ALSO automatically submitted for consideration for those two awards. So if, for example, you are an official nominee for Best Comedy Podcast or Host of the Year or Community Impact, you will also be an official nominee for Podcast of the Year and People’s Choice. Once the official nominees are announced, Podcast of the Year will be selected by the judges and People’s Choice will be selected by a fan vote. We’ll share more about how the fan vote will work later in the summer.Since Upload Media Group makes podcasts and they’re producing the awards, won’t their podcasts just win everything?
Absolutely not, but it’s a fair concern. It’s extremely important to us that the awards are fair and ethical, but we also want the shows we work on and the creators we work with to be considered for awards as well. They work extremely hard on their shows! That’s why we have strict policies and procedures in place around judging, including that NO Upload Media staff or direct IPA partners will be judges, no judges will adjudicate over a show or category in which they have direct ties or other bias, and that judges will remain anonymous and have no outside influence from Upload Media Staff, IPA Partners, Nominees, etc. outside of receiving their judging assignments.
All of that is to say: All nominees will be judged equally and fairly based on nationally-recognized qualitative criteria, and Upload Media will have no control or influence over the judging at all. Our shows will have to compete just like everyone else!
You can learn more about our rules, eligibility requirements, and our Upload Media Conflict Policy on the Iowa Podcast Awards website.Is it worth submitting for award consideration if the biggest shows are just going to win?
Absolutely, and that is because all shows will be judged equally on the same criteria, and almost no categories include audience size or other success metrics as a measure for consideration. Instead, almost every category will be judged based on content and quality within their specific award category, meaning that anyone who is making a good show that they’re proud of is worth submission and consideration. ANYONE CAN WIN!Are we allowed to submit for multiple award?
Of course! You can submit for as many awards as you would like. Just remember that submitting does not automatically confirm you as an official nominee for an award. If there are more than 5 submission for an award, the judging committee will review and select no less than 3 and no more than 5 official nominees for each award, and those will be announced near the end of July.
We’ll address more questions and announce more soon. In the meantime, you can always find more information on the Iowa Podcast Awards Website or reach out to us through social media or through the website with your question.