How Do Honor Awards Work?

How do Honor Awards work?

The Iowa Podcast Awards have three main types of awards: Show Recognition, Talent Recognition, and Honor Awards. Show Recognition is designed to celebrate the podcast itself and Talent Recognition is designed to celebrate the people who work on the podcast. Both of these are paid categories and submissions can only be sent in by people who directly work on the shows.

Honor Awards are designed to recognize and honor those who are using podcasting to go above and beyond. With the spirit of that in mind, these awards are free to submit to and anyone can nominate someone who has an active podcast for one of these awards.

Unlike Show and Talent Recognition Awards, we won't be sharing a list of nominees for these Honor Awards. Instead, similar to what you may have seen with other special recognition awards at other award shows, we will announce the actual recipients of these awards in advance of the event and present these awards to them as part of a special presentation at the award show in September.

A special committee will be put together to review all community submissions for Honor Awards. Honor Award recipients will be selected solely by the committee based on the submissions received and available research done into the projects. The quantity of submissions for a specific podcast will not play into the final vote by the committee. All nominated podcasts will be considered equally.

As always, you can learn more at and contact us via the website or social media if you have any questions. Additionally, if you would like to be an IPA Judge, you can submit your information through our website.


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