We are the Voices of Iowa.

The Iowa Podcast Awards were created with the hopes of bringing content creators from around the state of Iowa together for celebration, elevation, and unification.

The mission of the IPA’s is to Celebrate, Elevate, and Unify the podcasters of Iowa.

By creating a space for work in this medium to be celebrated, we hope to inspire and motivate others to create and strive to generate their best work.

By offering classes, workshops, and professional development opportunities, we hope to elevate the quality of projects and create more access to this medium for the people of Iowa.

By creating an opportunity for creators to gather and network, we hope to create a community that is unified through their love of content creation and can support each other’s growth.

The Iowa Podcast Awards are an Official Event from Upload Media Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. For more information, visit UploadMediaGroup.com